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Peripheral boards and MMI for
VG Controls offers the following components for use with
Isolation Amplifiers
Interface between PTs /CTs and IMC2010
- 8 channels, AC or DC
- Input range for each channel is 0.2 V to 200 V pk resistor
selectable or 20 A pk
- Isolation is 500 V pk, 1500 V pk available
- Input power is +5 DC, from IMC2010
- Size is 4"x11"
Output Pulse
Interface between IMC2010 and SCRs pulse
- 12 channels
- Input signal is 5 V, 3 mA
- Delay is below 4 usec, 1 usec available
- Output pulse is up to 100 V, up to 6 A pk per channel
- Short circuit proof
- Input power is +5 DC, from IMC2010 and 20 to 100 V DC for
power stages
- Size is 4"x11"
Networkable operator interface ICC2010
- 200x640 LCD graphic display
- Cold Cathode back light
- 2 LEDs
- 26 embossed keys with tactile feedback
- Connection to IMC2010 through
fiber optic cable or RS485 @ 2 MBd
- Up to three ICC2010 can be daisy chained
- Local I/O boards
- Modem/PC serial port
- Parallel printer port
- Power 110 VAC or DC
- Size is 12"x13"x4"
Dumb terminal
- Any type of hand held terminal can be supported such as SMT
from Two Technologies (shown)
- PC terminal emulation
Remote I/O boards
They provide interface with digital I/O, RTDs, slow analog
signal and other sensors. They are daisy chained and communicate via serial links using
either fiber optic cable, RS232 or RS485.
Analog /RTD/Digital I/O
- 16 channels of digital I/O (any combination)
- Up to 7 channels analog inputs, 8 bits, 0 to 5 V
- Up to 4 RTDs (100 Ohm)
- Compatible with standard mounting board for I/O modules from
Aromat, Gordos, Grayhill, Opto22, Potter&Broomfield, and others.
- Power 110 VAC or DC
- Size 4"x6.5"
Optic Frequency Input board
- 18 channels fiber optic frequency inputs (can be used with our
fiber optic voltage sensor to monitor SCR voltage)
- 0 to 200 kHz
- 8 channels analog inputs, 8 bits, 0 to 5 VDC
- Power 110 VAC or DC
- Size 5"x9"
Analog /Digital I/O
- 16 channels of digital I/O (any combination)
- Up to 7 channels analog inputs, 8 bits, 0 to 5 V
- Compatible with standard mini I/O modules from Gordos (C4),
Grayhill (G5), Opto22 (G4) and others.
- Power 110 VAC
- Size 5"x9"
Analog Output
- 8 channels analog output
- 12 bits resolution
- +/- 10 V or 2 mA, resistor selectable
- Power 110 VAC
- Size 5"x9"
Additional peripheral boards are coming soon:
- FO firing
- Current balancing between parallel SCRs
- Disconnect Switch supervision
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Copyright © 1998 VG Controls, Inc
Last modified: June 30, 2017